Animals on TV logo

"The greatest Rock'n'Roll band in Austin, TX" - the ghost of Lou Reed

"An all around f*cking class act" - the ghost of David Bowie

"I wish they would use less bad words" - Rob's mom


Animals on TV is hard at work writing and recording our upcoming album. Stay tuned for announcements

It's Animals on TV and you shall place no other bands before us.

We play upscale punk rock in Austin, TX and wherever our noses take us.The usual suspects:
Rob Hogan - Vocals
Andrew Davis - Rythym Guitar
Gabe Posada - Lead Guitar
Ben Baron - Drums drums drums
Alex Ward - Bass & Synth
Drink the koolaid and watch some of our videos below.
We hope you enjoy the show...


We didn't really know what to put down here so enjoy some pictures and stuff!

Thanks for scrolling all the way down here.You're one of the good ones.:')

© Animals on TV. All rights held close to the chest.